1. Before using our product, please carefully reading the construction of our production and related equipments. Please strictly implement the regulations of safe operation of all equipments during installing, operating and maintaining.
2. Make sure the rotate direction of the driving motor is right, and then can you install the joint slack and the belt. In view of driving direction pump should rotate clockwise. The wrong rotate direction of the motor will cause damage to the operator and the pump.
3. In order to avoid personal injury and equipment damage, never keep the pump running in low flow or no flow which will lead to the vibration of the pump set or the vaporize of the liquid.
4. Since pump is a kind of rotational equipment, the electricity should be cut off before installing and maintaining, or will result in personal injury.
5. While pump is running, never put hands inside or discharge the protective hood, which will bring about personal injury.
6. If accompanied with mechanical seal please first carefully read its application construction or consult the manufacture.